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Friday January 26, 2007 :

Official opening of the site

LCREA Software

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home.gifWelcome to LCREA


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news.gifChanges in the world of PDA since 2007 ! - by LCREA 02/04/2013 @ 23:37

This website exists since 2007, is around 7 years, and yet it seems to come from another time.

Indeed, so many changes in the world of PDA, but also on the web in general.

PDA Windows Mobile or Windows CE have practically disappeared from circulation, except in the professional world.

PDAs running iOS, Android and Windows Phone are now stars.

Moreover, it is no longer appropriate to call PDA but Smartphones because now it seems unthinkable to imagine a PDA without phone function.

The world moves, the world change, the world is always in evolution... we must constantly adapt.

The knowledge gained in developing a platform are actually quite ephemeral and a very big lottery.

How to know which language should be perfect since it may well disappear as quickly as it appeared.

Is this the developer's life, constantly learn to program "Hello World" ...

CalcM2_ico.pngCalcM2 - New version 1.2 - by LCREA 06/03/2007 @ 23:44

A new version 1.2 of CalcM2 is available in the download section.
This version are only for the correction of 2 bugs in the use of the memories M1 and M2.

We benefit from this news to :
- thank you for having downloaded, tested and I hope adopted CalcM2 version 1.1. We enter 918 downloads to date.
- indicate that we await with pleasure all your remarks, comments or suggestions about CalcM2.

CalcM2_ico.pngNew CalcM2 version 1.1 - by LCREA 30/01/2007 @ 23:57

The first file in the download section is available. It's a freeware created by LCREA for Pocket PC using the programming tools Basic4PPC. It's name is CalcM2 version 1.1 which is a free calc program with currencies conversion for all the owners of Pocket PC.

calcm2_main.png calcm2_main.png

Official opening of the website - by LCREA 26/01/2007 @ 00:16

Vendredi 26 janvier 2007

The LCREA website is finally on line since today, thanks to the famous CMS Guppy.
The three major parts of this site will be :
- DESIGN : section dedicated to graphics
- WEBART : section dedicated to the Internet
- SOFTWARE : section dedicated to the software
The first which will be fed very soon will be SOFTWARE. It will initially contain programs for Pocket PC developed by LCREA. Then articles on the programming language for Pocket PC : Basic4PPC.
We wish you a pleasant visit on our site.


Which is your type of PDA ?
Pocket PC
iOS (iPod, iPhone, iPad)
Windows Phone


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